Sunday, 29 June 2008

Review of the 2006 film ‘Miami Vice’

My opinion of this film may be somewhat tainted by the time and manner in which I watched it. After an evening watching Star Wars and the Princess Bride, a drunken companion and I decided to stay up and watch another movie. Low volume and the late-night atmosphere is bound to alter perceptions of any film… on such a night did I first watch ‘Troy’ and I fell asleep. This time, we watched Miami Vice.

I didn’t fall asleep, but it was not because of the engaging plot and wonderful characters. I found very little in it to grasp my attention or keep my interest. Consequently I didn’t pay enough attention to understand where the plot was going, or even what the characters were called. I had a vague grasp of what was going on, but mostly the plot seemed to wind aimlessly. Scenes that were supposed to show character development seemed to be quite boring and derivative.

I would give a plot synopsis, but all that I could work out in my admittedly sleepy state was that there were some police officers going undercover to chase after some drug barons. With a name like ‘Miami Vice’ this film had plenty of opportunity for sex and violence. Both were present, the former in excess, but neither was particularly convincing. The acting did not greatly inspire me, although I have seen much worse. Despite potentially evocative material, I found myself completely emotionally detached from the film and its characters. In fact, the most interesting thing I found in the whole film was one of the more stoic female characters acting with military precision during a rescue attempt.

As I stated at the beginning, I’m sure that my state of mind at the time of watching was not ideal to fully appreciate this film. Perhaps if I had a fuller understanding of the plot and characters then I may have appreciated the film a lot more. At the same time, I was not falling asleep… if I was tired, then I *would* have fallen asleep during this film. I didn’t… I watched, and I tried to pay attention. By the end I had worked out that everyone except 6 or 7 characters were ‘bad guys.’ By the end I more-or-less understood the relationship between Jamie Foxx’s character and Gong Li’s character. By the end I more-or-less understood why they were undercover in the first place. But by the end I still wasn’t particularly concerned by the peril or even potential death of these characters.

There were some scenes of gratuitous violence, clustered around the beginning and end of the film… but any promise of a mindless action flick, which would at least have been entertaining, was rapidly displaced by boredom and monotony and characters occasionally shouting at each other.

Maybe one day I’ll watch this film again, in circumstances more amenable to enjoying such a film. But I have watched films in the middle of the night before, and I have enjoyed them. Even giving this film the benefit of the doubt, I suspect that I wouldn’t enjoy it if I did see it again, and I certainly didn’t enjoy it first time around.

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